We are taking a "year Out" with our family in order to deepen our connection to one another by exploring the world together.
This is a trip of a lifetime and will be an education for us all.
I am hoping that spending this time together, uninterrupted by the usual routines of our day to day life will strengthen our relationships, give us the opportunity to learn from each other and learn more about each other.
I know that simply by traveling we will learn in countless ways.
We will be doing a self design home schooling program that I hope will help internalize this learning and support meaningful reflection.
******Photos down the left are the most recent. Photos down the right hand side our some of our favorite moments. Please click on "older posts" at the bottom of each page.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Sara Baras Presenta: La Pepa! Gran Teatro Falla
Mia Writes: We visited a cave near our house in Rhonda. Where there were bats cave drawings and small lakes. The cave was discovered in 1905 by José Bullón Lobato and his descendants look after it now. The Pileta cave is famous for its prehistoric drawings of many symbols. There are drawings of donkeys, goats, fish, seals, stick men with spears and some unknown symbols as well as many line calendars. For the black paint they used coal and animal fat and for brown paint they used red ocher or iron oxide mixed with animal fat.
We made our way to Cadiz where the highlight was seeing the flamenco dancer Sara Baras in a production called “La Pepa” celebrating the bicentennial which has become the symbol of the 1812 constitution. The show is about that spirit that marked the course of history in Spain. According to some Sara Baras is the best flamenco dancer in Spain and certainly the best we have ever seen apart from my grandmother. The costumes were brilliant and the dancers feet were on fire. We sat in the bleachers high up near ceiling and although we got kinks in our necks we had a great birds eye view of swirling skirts, swinging scarves and vibrating feet.
We left Cadiz and took a boat to Morocco where the African chapter of our journey will begin.